All Chapters of TRILLIONAIRE ON TOP: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
523 chapters
11: Getting Married
Katy paused as she slowly looked at Her mother..She was annoyed by the words of her Mother. "Huh? And what do you mean by that? I told you mum that I'm not going to listen to what you suggest and get married to him. I'm never doing that so you should already give up!" She said firmly."You should shut up and accept the fact that you're gonna be married to him no matter what. And no one is asking for your opinion here" Her Mother said."Your marriage is already decided and it's up to us to conclude on it..And now it's already decided" Her father added.Katy looked at her Father" Dad, Is this even necessary. Why do I have to Marry him? when I'm already married. He should know that too and save himself some face and stop pursuing me!" she snapped.Her mother had walked up to her and Landed a slap on her Face "You pathetic little brat. How dare you talk to him in that manner? Don't you know he's the one who is helping us out?" Katy glared at her mother with a smirk" You think I don't kno
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12: Getting A divorce
"Mum! What do you think you're doing? You can't do that to him!" Katy snapped."Of course I can do anything..And you little ingrate. Someone take her and lock her up in her room this instant!" Mrs Watt commanded.Mia had walked out as she grabbed Katy, pulling her away by all means and sending her off to lock her up in her room.Katy kicked and struggled to set herself free but couldn't.Leo found himself standing there and watching them drag away his wife. He couldn't do anything here at the moment so he basically clenched his fist while glaring at them.Gabe had gone to his room and pulled out all Leo's belongings as he came out and headed to the exit door where he threw out everything belonging to Leo.Ray who sat there watching all that was happening Simply smirked as he got up to his feet..He stared at Leo who was still standing there."You should leave now that we're just being nice to you. Take your stuff outside on the ground where they belong and leave. Because Just like you,
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13: Hotel
The commotion the rude lady was causing was grabbing attention from people passing by.. They had literally stopped to take a look at what was going on. "We apologise for our ignorance! We won't do it again. We won't forget to greet you anymore" One of the ladies kneeling before her apologised, pleading for their freedom. "Do you think I'll just let you off like that? After you looked down on me? Impossible. You guys will have to pay big time for what you've done. I'll make sure you two get sacked!" The lady had looked around" Where is the manager? I need to report these two annoying brats so they can leave here immediately. how can you have staff who lack the respect for their superior?" She was already getting overboard with what she was doing that Leo couldn't believe her attitude at all..He couldn't help but wonder if this Lady was the president's daughter or something. How was she So rude? He was looking at the lady who was looking around and calling out to some staff to get
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14: Call him back
Mrs Watt had released Katy out of her room the other day. They had left her so that she would go to work. They had given Ray the go ahead order to pester her anytime he had time and convinced her into agreeing to the marriage. Mrs Watt was in Late Grandpa Watt's room on that day going through some old stuff and looking for things to throw aww when she found something shocking. It was a will. A will from Grandpa Watt which he had left behind before he passed away and This will literally had Ten Billion dollars attached to it! Mrs Watt was speechless! She couldn't imagine the last time she had seen so many zeros before! The amount had her excited as she looked at it. It didn't seem fake, it was clearly real. Excited, she had rushed out with the will and met Mia as both of them sat within talking over what she found. "Oh gosh! Mum! If we really get our hands on this money then we can for sure enjoy ourselves to the fullest!" Mia expressed. "Tell me about this! This amount is too go
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15: Take care of some business
Leo had Called his Grandfather who he had told that he was returning and had informed him about the change of plans.When his Grandfather had asked him why the change of plans and what he was gonna do. He had Casually replied."I have some important business to handle"****Leo had later arrived at the Watt Mansion where his in-laws lived. As soon as he walked into the Mansion, Mrs Watt approached him."Oh dear! My son-in-law, you're finally home. I was waiting for you for a while now. I thought you weren't going to come.. But what an Angel you are to come visit me as I requested "Leo didn't say anything but Causally nodded at her cunning words.. He wasn't a fool to not know that she wanted something from him which was why she was playing all nice.He already knew her and Knew this was how she behaved in front of Those riche brats whom she wanted something fromLeo wondered what it is he wanted from him.Mrs Watt and Mia were the ones home at that time, they had seated him down in the
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16: What the proud deserves
Mrs Watt and Leo had arrived at the firm Where the Money was supposed to be transferred to. After getting out of the car which brought them there by a driver, Mrs Watt demanded she wait outside."You should go in and sign it and bring me the papers..I'll be waiting here for you" She smiled, staring at him.Leo Causally nodded " Okey then..Then I'll be quick with it" Leo had taken the paper from Mrs Watt.He took a second to stare at the paper . It was really true that Grandpa Watt had left such a huge amount of money in his name. It made him feel grateful to him.Then he took the paper and made his way into the Firm where he was to go and make the official processes.Mrs Watt had decided to wait outside, not because she didn't want to go in with him or something..But she was waiting for someone.It wasn't someone who knew she was here or someone whom she made an appointment with. But it was someone whom she knew would be here. So she wanted to be here too and make their meeting a coinc
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17: Cut off her wings
Mrs Watt stared at Leo, shocked..She couldn't believe what she was hearing from Leo. It came as a shock.The other ladies there couldn't help but laugh over what they had heard. It was rather amusing to them."Oh, Mrs Watt. How can you even lie to us like that? You were here bragging and telling us that this money belonged to you and it was a gift from your uncle... When in fact it was a gift, not to your family. But common to your son-in-law?" The third lady asked.The ladies laughed some more."Why would you brag and lie about that? You could have just been honest if the money didn't belong to you. It's not even like We'll make fun of you or something " The first lady added as they looked at each other and laughed some more.Mrs Watt didn't know how to feel.. She was humiliated before these ladies and she knew it wasn't gonna end here.. Because these ladies were gonna make a joke out of her with this for a long time!They would obviously spread this to other ladies in their group."M
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18: Cut off her wings II
Leo had gone to the hotel that night and had enjoyed a good night sleep at his luxurious room there. The next Day, he had called his Grandpa and told him that he was done handling his business.Now he was ready to begin his company and take over his new life properly.His grandpa had invited him over with joy and Leo had made his way to his Grandfather's place.Later Both of them were seated opposite each other in Grandpa Ellison's sitting room. Leo was signing the papers before him which Officially signified that he had taken over the Company as his own."Now, You're the CEO of the company. You can choose to name it as you please. And the name will be fixed up immediately for your business to proceed.Leo Causally nodded." Well I'll just name it after my name. L.E. Company enterprise.. I'll use that " He stated.Grandpa Ellison had called into a man in black suit.. This man Seemed Leo's age."And this is Jake. He'll be the one following you from now on as your personal assistant. I pe
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19: Unjustly
Later that day, The Manager of Katy's company where she was currently working at had received a call. He was in the office when he received the call from Mr Watt.And it happened that he was familiar with Mr Watt as well."oh! Why have you called me out of the blue?" The Manager, Mr Roll Seemed excited about the call. "Is there something that you wish for me to do for you?""Yes, There is. Do you know my daughter who works there?" He asked."Yes of course I do. Your Daughter Katy. What about her?" He inquired."I want you to fire her," Mr Watt demanded from the other end of the call."Huh? What do you mean by...""Do exactly as I say..Fire her and chase her out of the company this instant. And if you do that, then I'll consider investing in your company " Mr Watt's company was bigger than Mr rolls company, so he was glad about the offer."Don't worry about that! I'll do as you say. I'll fire her this instant " Mr Rolls had agreed to what he offered.He was simply excited about the off
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20: He steps in
"Is that really what happened? You don't wish to work there anymore?" He confirmed it with her."Yeah. I guess I should concentrate on finding a new house now and then getting a new job which I won't get tired of. All thanks to the money you gave me" Leo could hear the smiling tone in her speech.. But that didn't mean he completely believed her. As a matter of fact, he was already doubting all that she was saying.Because for some reason he felt something was wrong."Okay then. Have a good night rest" Leo said as she cut the line.He felt something was off so decided to confirm it himself..He knew the hotline of Katy's company so he Called it and briefly a Lady, who was the receptionist, picked up."Hello, how may I help you?""What happened to Katy who works at your company?" That was the first thing he asked.Leo was certain almost everyone there knew who Katy was. She was a very social person who has worked there for years now."Did something happen at the company today?" Leo asked
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