All Chapters of Realmshifter Chronicles: The Heroes of Veridora: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 chapters
Business Ventures
Sunlight filtered through the inn's windows, casting a gentle morning glow that coaxed me from my restful slumber. Another day in Aldoria had begun, full of the promise of new experiences. The aroma of a hearty breakfast wafted through the air, intertwining with my contemplations about the road ahead, filled with hopes of new ventures and the prospect of establishing a life in this enchanting world."My house will be ready for me in two days. I'm so excited; I could hardly sleep last night," I mused. As I stood up and stretched, a realization dawned on me - my wallet felt surprisingly light. It was clear I needed to find a way to make money soon, to cover the costs of sustenance and firewood.The idea of visiting the Merchants Guild came to mind. While the Adventurers Guild was an option for income, I felt the need for another avenue. Selling soap, as I had initially planned, was still on my mind. However, it required a significant amount of lye for mass production, and natural lye pr
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Clichés and Scouts
As I descended the grand staircase back to the first floor of the Merchants Guild, I spotted Ellie engaged in conversation with Lorelei. A thought crossed my mind – Ellie had mentioned that she occasionally sold toy ideas to the guild. Perhaps she had a new concept in the works. I approached them with a friendly smile.“Hey, Ellie,” I greeted her, causing her to jump slightly and spin around to face me.“Oh, hey Jordan. Did you become a member here?” Ellie responded, slightly winded from the surprise. I noticed that both Ellie and Lorelei had a faint blush coloring their cheeks.“Yeah, I signed up a few hours ago and even managed to sell some goods and recipes,” I replied. I turned to Lorelei, expressing my gratitude, “Thanks again for helping with the registration.” Then, I turned back to Ellie. “Are you here to pitch another idea to the guild?”Ellie's blush deepened, and she replied, “No, I was just updating my address so they can send me my royalties at the end of the month.”“I s
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The Calm Before The Storm
It had been about two months since Ellie and I moved into our new manor. Needless to say, we were now very careful to knock on doors before opening them after the chaotic first day. I had also used my earth magic to create a long building in the backyard for my soap-making endeavors. The structure had windows for ventilation, thanks to some hired help, and was beautifully painted. With a large vat and all the necessary materials, I managed to produce a substantial amount of soap. Nine bars from my first batch were auctioned off by Fezzik for a handsome sum.In the meantime, Ellie and I took on jobs from the adventurers' guild, focusing on tasks suitable for my rank. Our collaboration propelled me to a C-rank adventurer, while Ellie reached B-rank. The increase in monster activity marked by the Sabnock sigil led to several lower-ranked adventurers getting injured. This forced the guild to readjust its job system, prohibiting those below C-rank from hunting monsters.During my spare tim
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Temperatures of the Heart
A couple of days had passed since my dream, and I'd spent most of that time holed up in my room, furiously writing down everything I knew about Sabnock and formulating various strategies to confront it. Despite the unease that weighed on my mind, I was determined not to let it dampen the spirits of our home. Ellie was eagerly looking forward to our date at the festival, and I was resolute in making it a memorable occasion. Ellie had taken off with Eve to explore the town, on a mission to find the perfect gown, shoes, and whatever else caught her fancy. Her recent windfall from her toy invention had her itching to splurge. I, on the other hand, had already commissioned an outfit from Silvia, who assured me it would transform me into the most dashing knight in the land. As I descended the stairs, preparing for the festival, I was struck by the sight of Ellie, who was waiting by the door for Eve. "Good morning, Ellie," I greeted, smiling. "G-Good morning, Jordan," she replied with a
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Trial By Fire: Valor's Stand
As we entered the Adventurers' Guild, adrenaline pumped through us, propelling us toward Alvin, who stood in front of a board outlining battle plans.“We're fortunate to have extra help thanks to the festival,” he said. “The monster army still outnumbers us heavily, so tactics are crucial. Look here.” Alvin pointed to a map of the city and the surrounding terrain. “We've started evacuating the nearby areas, minimizing civilian casualties for now. Ranged magic users and skilled archers will be positioned on the northern gate wall.” Alvin continued with more instructions before I interjected.“Monsters typically use swarm and conquer tactics. What's the plan when they try to surround the city?”Alvin pondered for a moment and replied, “I plan on sealing the southern gate, but I'm open to ideas.”I thought about the various tactics and proposed, “What if we gather earth mages to create a trench and bottleneck in front of the south gate? This way, we'd only need a few defenders at the sou
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As I slowly regained consciousness, the dim light of a solitary lantern cast shadows on the wooden slats that enclosed the small room. A twin bed cradled my weary body, and the unfamiliar surroundings blurred the line between reality and a lingering dream. Glancing over, I found Ellie in a chair, her head rested on the edge of the bed, peaceful in her slumber. The air carried the scent of antiseptic and damp bandages, hinting at recent care. My hand instinctively moved to the bandages encircling the bite on my shoulder, a reminder of the battle with Argren. The foul smell emanating from the wound was unsettling, but I pushed aside the discomfort, my concern shifting to Ellie. Her arm, too, was swathed in bandages, and a visible cut adorned her leg. Relief washed over me; she wasn't hurt too severely. Yet, questions lingered in the still air — questions about where we were, how we arrived here, and what transpired after the chaotic clash with Argren.I gingerly shifted to awaken her, f
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The Conclave
Another few days passed as the cleanup was finished around Valor, Ellie and I helped out wherever we could. A grand ceremony was held to commemorate those who died in the battle and to reward those who had fought and survived. On word from the King I was promoted again to the rank of Viscount for my efforts in slaying Argren. A few days after the memorial service Alvin came to the manor for a visit. “Hello Viscount Jordan,” Alvin said with a wink and a smile giving me a nudge. “I hope this day finds you well.”“Good morning Alvin,” I said with a sigh. I was still not used to the new title. “Please come in, Ellie and I were just making breakfast.” Alvin followed me into the kitchen and greeted Ellie as he sat down at the table. “Good morning Alvin,” Ellie said as I stood beside her to help cook. “ How are you?”“I am quite well this morning.” He said. I looked at Alvin, then at Ellie and smiled. I had a feeling Alvin was here for more than breakfast and a chat, and the tension from
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First Strike
I stood atop the newly built wall of ice and straw, surveying the valley that stretched before me. Aria, a once vibrant town of fifty thousand, now lay in ruins. Most of its inhabitants had fallen, and the survivors were imprisoned in Sabnock's dungeon. Nestled at the entrance of the largest valley in the region, Aria was now a critical point in our battle against the monstrous horde. Sabnock's castle, an enormous structure at the center of the plain, was surrounded by forty thousand monsters, all empowered by Sabnock's dark magic. To reach the castle, we had to fight our way through the valley and into the plain, a task that promised no shortage of challenges. “Commander!” A dwarven fighter called out to me. “Our preparations are almost complete. We need you to inspect the fortified building in the center of town that you ordered built.” “I’ll be there shortly, good dwarf,” I called back. The dwarf nodded and walked away. As I traversed the town, soldiers and fighters nodded in ack
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The Valley of Death
As I stand here, only held in place by Ellie's comforting embrace, the haunting words of General William Sherman echo in my mind: “War is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.” Later on, the quote was often simplified to “War is Hell, the worse it is the shorter.” The truth of these words becomes painfully clear as I survey the desolation around me—the aftermath of my fire spell that engulfed an entire city. We arrived here with hope and righteousness, but after our first clash with the Demon King’s forces, and the loss of hundreds of soldiers, there's a somber heaviness in the air.Work immediately commenced to clear the valley of fallen rocks and boulders leading to Sabnock’s castle. I'm grateful for the soldiers' swift action as I lean on Ellie for support.“How are you feeling?” Ellie's eyes betray her worry and concern.I muster a weary smile. “I'll be okay,” I reassure her. “Just a bit tired. With some rest, I'll be ready to
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Valleys End
Alvin stood tall, facing the towering giant before him, gripping his golden sword with resolve. Encased within stone walls, his only escape lay in defeating the behemoth and rejoining Jordan and his wife, Eve. The giant bellowed, kicking furiously at the stone barrier, but it remained unmoved. It then turned a hateful glare towards Alvin. Undeterred, Alvin smirked, and the giant roared with renewed ferocity, charging at him with thunderous steps.Alvin sprinted forward, narrowly evading the giant’s massive swinging fist. With agility and precision, he circled around and slashed at the giant's Achilles tendon, bringing the colossus crashing down. Without hesitation, Alvin ran up the giant's back and plunged his sword deep into its neck, severing the spine in a swift, lethal strike. Withdrawing his blade, Alvin wiped it clean on the giant's tunic before releasing his section of the wall. The battle was over in mere minutes.Nearby, Eve faced her own giant. Hearing the commotion from Alv
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