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To Be Yours Again Review : Unraveling Love and Complexity of Jenny and Alec's Arranged Marriage

Creation time: Sep 12 2023Update time: Sep 12 2023477

"To Be Yours Again" is an ongoing Billionaire novel written by Taylor. Jenny Walter, a distinguished neurosurgeon, finds her life entwined with that of her enigmatic ex-husband, Alec Faust. They were separated due to Alec's ignorance of her identity and profession, but an emergency surgery brings them face to face once again. That's when their past and present collide, further igniting a path of rediscovery. Currently, the book has 1401 chapters, 588.6k views and a star rating of 9.3.


Explore the complexities of a relationship forged by an arranged marriage in this wonderful billionaire romance.


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Author Introduction


Taylor is a dedicated author from the romance genre. With a flair for creating compelling narratives and relatable characters, Taylor has captivated millions of readers worldwide with her debut novel "To Be Yours Again". The author's unique storytelling style, combined with their ability to weave intricate plots, has made them a favorite among romance novel enthusiasts. Although, not much is known about her accomplishments and personal life, how she touches themes of love, freedom, and unexpected reunions provides readers an immersive reading experience.




"To Be Yours Again" introduces two central figures and talks about their evolving relationship.


Jenny Walter

She is the novel's compelling female lead and Alec Faust's former wife. A shadowy existence defined her two-year marriage, where Alec's indifference led her to isolation within their mansion. An aura of silence surrounds her, which was misinterpreted by Alec as her unobtrusiveness. After their separation, her identity as an accomplished neurosurgeon of huge reputation stood unwavering, but an unexpected meeting with Alec beckons her back to her calling.


Alec Faust

As the Faust Group's reigning President and Jenny's estranged spouse, Alec reluctantly succumbed to a forced marriage, the handiwork of the elder Mr. Faust. Oblivion marked their two-year marriage, for Alec never truly noticed Jenny. His quest to enlist the renowned Dr. Walter's expertise for Faye Lawrence's surgery steers the story. A past incident intertwines their fates, involving Faye's brother and Alec's savior, the late Anthony Lawrence. Notably, Alec doesnt' know that Dr. Walter is none other than his enigmatic ex-wife.


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The plot revolves around Jenny Walter and Alec Faust, her ex-husband. Jenny, who is a distinguished neurosurgeon, finds herself in an arranged marriage with Alec Faust - a man she barely knows and who she has seen only once in the two years they were married. Their marriage was strained from the start due to their unfamiliarity with each other, with Alec treating her as if she's invisible. Alec's ignorance of Jenny's profession and his treatment of her led to their divorce. The story takes a turn when Alec unknowingly seeks Jenny's help for a surgery on a girl named Faye Lawrence. Their unexpected reunion during this emergency leads to a series of events that give rise to a dramatic revelation. Jenny discloses her identity as Alec's ex-wife, leaving him stunned and questioning his understanding of her. The plot further explores their equation with each other, the impact of past wounds, and the possibility of coming together once again.


Hot Chapters


The book is an ongoing novel with some very interesting chapters that cover major twists to the story. Scroll down for a quick look at the hot chapters.


Chapter 14

This chapter begins with Alec warning the Lawrence family to take good care of Faye. He makes it clear that if anything happens to her, their family will cease to exist. The chapter reveals that before Anthony died, he had only asked Alec to care for Faye. The Lawrence family, eager for a continued collaboration with the Faust Group, assures Alec they will take good care of Faye. However, Faye, who is observing from upstairs, is upset with her parents for seeking another collaboration with Alec.


Chapter 1401

The most recent chapter, this one shows Gilbert, who has been cold and distant, being confronted by Lottie. When asked if he ever cared for her, Gilbert firmly responds with a "Never," leaving Lottie with no choice but to walk away. Gilbert's only concern is Marigold and their child, and thus, he reassures Marigold that he will protect them. He takes them home and Marigold finally reflects on her journey - concluding that all the pain was worth it for this moment of happiness.



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"To Be Yours Again" by Taylor is an interesting billionaire romance that throws light on love and freedom with utmost speldor. The intricate plot makes for an engaging read, while the well-developed characters and their motivations add depth to the story. The unexpected twists and turns in Jenny and Alec's relationship doesn't fail in keeping the reader hooked till the last page of the book. It is exciting how Jenny changes the whole game around her relationship with Alec, while Alec's discovery that the doctor he's been intrigued by was actually his unnoticed wife is enthralling!




1. What sets "To Be Yours Again" different from other billionaire romance novels?

The intricate way of showing the intricacies of love mixed with the unique storytelling makes "To Be Yours Again" different from conventional romance narratives.


2. How does the author navigate the complexities of Jenny and Alec's relationship through the novel?

Taylor does a wonderful job at navigating the lead couple's relationship by weaving their past turmoils into a range of emotions. At the same time, their layered dialogues and communication reflect on the strong connection between the two.


3. What's the role of Jenny's professional life in crafting the plot?

Jenny's work profile as a neurosurgeon is all about freedom and strength - and that's exactly what brings out some complexity to the plot. Her career influences her choices, while also bringing out the contrast between her expertise and Alec's ignorance. This further fuels the dynamics of their relationship.


4. What are some of the twists that make things all the way more interesting?

Without giving spoilers, it can be stated that this story is a gem when it comes to unexpected revelations. It lets the readers cherish emotional roller coasters and major realizations that keep them glued to Jenny and Alec's life.

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