"Are you seriously under the impression that I wouldn't be able to find out," During the course of the event, the prior leader made a statement. Despite the fact that Aamon was somewhat surprised by the fact that the final boss was able to figure it out, he was fairly confident that the final boss would, at some point or another, accept that it was in fact him. This was, despite the fact that Aamon was very persuaded that the final boss would. There was no doubt in Aamon's mind that the ultimate boss would admit that he was the one responsible for the incident. On the spur of the moment, Aamon made the following comment: "I knew that you would find out about it sooner or later." Aamon's statement was made in anticipation of the situation. I had been dropping hints for a considerable amount of time now, didn't I? To add insult to injury, I had been doing that. One may claim that I had been engaging in such activity. Taking into consideration the manner in which you are reacting to what
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