Chapter 080– Olivia’s Painful Words


In the Villa.

As soon as Ares’s voice was heard, all eyes turned in his direction and then Ava jumped to her feet and yelled. “How dare you bastard return to this house, tell me?!!!”

Her voice was suddenly filled to the brim with aggression and fury, causing Ares’s mouth to open wide.

“Why will I not return, Mother? Have you forgotten that I live here now?” He inquired blankly, looking incredibly confused.

“You… you nonentity bastard! You loser of a man! How dare you argue with me!” Ava became further incensed and she almost started spitting out flame from her eyes at Ares.

"What’s wrong?" Ares finally noticed that his mother-in-law was acting differently. She was genuinely furious tonight. While she had never been fond of him, he had never heard so much anger and hatred in her voice before.

She started breathing at the top of her lungs, her face turning crimson red from holding back her excessive outrage, and then she glared at her daughter.

"I swear by all that is holy
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