128 | Blitz Chess

Elios felt uneasy as he dismissed Kieran and Dravon as if they were nobodies. Despite their names being at the top of the succession to the throne, Elios himself was considered nobody in the kingdom of Varidianth. Yet, the Chief Justice had chosen him, and Elios had to make the most of his position. Many lives depended on him now.

As the room almost emptied without the presence of Valorthorn nobles, the Chief Justice smiled at him. "Let's have a Blitz Chess," the old man said.

Elios blinked, surprised to hear a term he hadn't heard in a long time. In Varidianth idiom, Blitz Chess meant a brief meeting.

"We're forced to change the feudal system into a monarchy," Chief Justice said. "Not to offend your wife, Elios. But..."

"I understand," Elios cut in quickly. He never underestimated Lana's abilities, even though she was once just a servant without magical powers. However, in managing the state affairs, it would be impossible to burden all the political responsibilities on her shoulders
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