Chapter 119

"Enough Zidane! I never did what you're accusing me of! Never!" Cassie shouted covering her ears with both palms.

"Whatever! I have the proof. And I'll throw it in your face. But not now. I have to go. Fighting you is a waste of time!" Zidane said coldly. He turned around and prepared to get into the car, but Cassie stopped him.

"Wait, Zidane. I..."

"Get out of my way. I don't like hurting women. Especially with rudeness. Do you want to see how rude I am to women?" Zidane said.

"Your attitude hurt me, Zidane. In the past, you never once raised your voice in my presence. All my wishes were orders to you. You were never like this. Why? Have you forgotten about it? Is there no longer my name in your heart as you often say? You said you would carve my name forever in your heart. Where did that sentence go, Zidane?" Cassie asked with a sad look on her face.

"You were the one who left Chelsea first, not me. You were the one who erased it first, not me. Do I need to remind you what happened?
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