Julian Mars Rolandb's facial expression is etched with a profound commitment to the next progressive stage of the investigation process. It appeared like the information about the smooth escape of Rihanna and Herold Petersburg was reshapening to the visible limelight.

The GrandMaster already presumed his ex-wife and Herold Petersburg didn't lodge in Boston Billions Hotels and Suites on their accord. The swifter got to know about the unknown personnel who had strategically positioned them as the center of attraction to drive attention to what could unfold underneath.

Julian Mars Roland's questions required proficient responses and not just guesses and he wished one of the security personnel could at least have an answer to maintain the inquisitiveness of the investigation process before it got cold.

The GrandMaster had his eyes searching through the faces of the security personnel as they muttered inwardly if they got some words to spill rather than respond hopelessly. Julian Mars Rola
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