46. Kill Sasha

His physical state must have been shocking, but he didn't care. His determination was greater than any pain or shame.

Finally, after a tireless search, Leon spotted Alex talking to Brittany and Christina in a secluded corner of the complex. His friends seemed shocked to see him, but quickly ran towards him when they realized his sorry state.

"Leon! What happened to you?" asked Christina, horrified, as she examined her friend's wounds.

"It doesn't matter now," replied Leon, his voice firm despite the weakness that plagued him. "We need to act. We have to put an end to Sasha once and for all."

"Is she the one who did this to you?" asked Alex, too quietly.

He didn't answer.

Not at all distressed, Brittany simply commented:

"Maybe he didn't kill my father the way she wanted and was punished."

Everyone went eerily silent.

"What did you say?"

"Why don't you ask him?! I'm sure he'll be able to explain it much better than I can. Right, Leon?"

Leon just stared at Brittany, trying not to lose c
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