Chapter 5

Denmous, there's no one who doesn't know this family clan. Known for producing the best knights, some even became swordmasters. People who are experts in the use of swords and magic.

Claude was the youngest. He inherited the power of his mother, the fifth wife of the head of the Denmous family. His mother was known for her generosity, and his father never looked down on anyone. However, neither of these traits were passed on to Claude.

Or was it not in their nature?

Unlike the Denmous clan, the Pabulys were only known for their trade between countries. The clan never produced talented people, only often sold secret information.

For example, secret war plans that other countries will carry out, or something that will benefit the family. Yes, Pabulys never take sides with anyone, except for money.

They are famous for being crazy about money.

Then Heinhard, the clan is ordinary. They're not famous for anything, just rich because everyone in the family works hard. They were quite talented - in fact, it was the defeatist nature that always made the family a partner.

One of them was a tyrannical partner.

The boy's intentions were not directed at Samuel, but at Leo. Claude attacked him without a word. The two students fought so hard that many people surrounded them. No one dared to break it up, not even Kai.

Samuel smiled secretly between the crying and shaking. He was happy to hear these sounds.

Punches, curses and objects colliding. Very melodious.

"You two, follow me!" shouted Professor Magnus, the guidance counselor.

The two who were scared immediately followed Professor Magnus. Without saying a word.

"Ha ...." Samuel let out a long breath.

Of all the people, there was no one to help Samuel. Or at least reached out, but just like in life before, these people never saw Samuel's existence.

So Samuel had to do the same.

Without waiting long, Samuel left just like the others.

He washed his face in the toilet. He took a long time because he wanted to refresh his skin.

The glasses he always wore were on the faucet. They were newly purchased and fortunately not cracked like before. They were still intact and undamaged.

If they cracked again, Samuel would have to spend money, and that would be quite annoying.

"I was so scared. They were so strong, they kept hitting me in the face without using any magic ...." Samuel looked at a closed door.

When Samuel put his glasses back on, the mischievous look turned pitiful. Like someone in need of sympathy. Not much different from a beggar.

How to infiltrate the second level of the building without getting caught? Samuel had never done it. Some students, especially men, always sneak into the second floor of the building to sneak a peek or to meet their girlfriends.

Understandably, there are more women on the second floor.

The method used was to bribe the guards, to deceive the guards with various reasons, and this was the most difficult, to enter directly because he was born into an influential family. 

All the guards prefer not to deal with rich children. They said nothing.

Samuel couldn't do any of that. He had to find another way that only he could do. A way that wasn't too easy or too hard.

"Who are you? Level One is not allowed in this building! Leave before we get angry!" shouted one of the entrance guards.

"I am the one in charge of delivering documents regarding the health of Level One." Samuel showed the document in his hand.

The method Samuel will use is to become a student in charge of sending health data to the professor on duty. It is mandatory that this data is sent to a higher level building once a day.

Level one to level two and then level two to level three. Finally to the director.

"Come in, don't be long!"

The person who was supposed to send the data was fast asleep in the bushes. He was hit on the back to make him faint. Just before leaving the first level of the building.

The way they collect data without directly examining the body is during roll call. Every sound that comes out during roll call is automatically checked by a device that the professor always carries with him.

The device is shaped like an earphone that is placed in the ear.

It was one of the advanced tools made with magic.

"Mellina! Don't run too fast, I can't keep up with you!" a student shouted.

Samuel, who was on the second floor, looked down at the courtyard inside the building. There was the student shouting Mellina's name.

Her appearance was quite lovely. Cheek buns, hair tied in two parts and short. 

To Samuel, the girl looked almost like a dwarf.

"So she is Geni's sister? From a distance you can see that she has always been loved by her family. A spoiled and sweet child, I can't wait to see the end of that smile." Samuel adjusted his glasses.

Samuel took another step. He didn't want to arouse anyone's suspicions by continuing to look down. Besides, he had to hand over the documents soon.

"I'm really tired of Mellina's innocent face. Just once I wanted to punch her in the face. If it wasn't for her family, that child would be finished by now. Damn it," a student cursed as she kicked a garbage can.

The messy trash can caught Samuel's attention. He approached and straightened the trash can.

"Who are you?! First years shouldn't be here, leave before someone sees you!" a short-haired student shouted.

"Take it easy, I entered legally, do you want to torture Millena?" asked Samuel after straightening the trash can.

"No way, I'm not that brave. How could I touch a child from a respectable family?"

"You don't deny torturing, you just don't have the courage. Do you need courage? Answer wisely, because this is the last time I'll ask you." Samuel took off the glasses he was wearing, letting both eyes show a serious look.

The girl looked at the name on the uniform. Samuel, without a last name, indicated a poor family. It also indicated that nothing could be done about Millena, but the look on his face was different.

What, huh? 

The look of a predator who would never lose his prey. 

The student named Clara looked around. She thought about what to say. She was afraid to make the wrong move.

"Have you ever heard that the enemy of your enemy is your friend? That's what I'm offering you. Do you need courage to torture this girl? Clara Klivnous, don't be sorry if you refuse. 

There is no second time for such an offer." Samuel tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Damn, why does it have to be like this? Are you recording this conversation? I won't be fooled," Clara said.

Samuel put his glasses back on. He felt useless trying to convince this child. What an idiot.

"I'll take it as a rejection. Like I said, don't regret it. There are still many students who will accept my offer," Samuel replied and started to walk away.

It was just as Samuel had said. Besides Clara, there were many who hated Millena. Either because they were jealous or because they were tired of her innocent behavior. 

The more people at the top, the more enemies there were.

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