Chapter 411: Lauren Takes Out Geronimo Men

Detective Lauren stealthily approached the front door, her steps calculated and silent. As she neared, she spotted a guard stationed there. With precision, she raised her pistol, aiming carefully, and fired a single shot. The guard staggered backward, a look of shock on his face, before collapsing to the ground with a thud. Lauren swiftly moved forward, ensuring the guard was incapacitated, before continuing on her mission.

Peering through the narrow gap of the gate, Detective Lauren observed the scene inside. Her eyes widened as she saw numerous guards patrolling the compound, their vigilant gazes scanning the area. She quickly assessed the situation, realising the challenge ahead of her.

“Damn their security is tight but I must be able to capture Geronimo tonight.” She whispered

Detective Lauren crouched, her eyes scanning the perimeter of Geronimo's compound. The moon cast a pale glow over the landscape, illuminating the silhouettes of the guards as they patrolled the area.

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