Chapter 22

The horse-drawn carriages began to glide one by one through the outer city route. Karna started to move after about twenty carriages had gone ahead of him. He knew that this competition could be either tough or easy, depending on what the drivers would do during the race. If the race was conducted fairly and cleanly, the winner would undoubtedly be Vrushali. Even he, who had won the chariot race years ago, didn't believe he could beat the girl.

In a horse race, a driver must have a close relationship with the horses they control. Using horses that are familiar and understanding their habits is the main requirement for winning. Karna looked at the horses pulling his chariot—two of them were new and unfamiliar. But knowing one of the stallions among the four was enough for him to control all of them.

Karna began to accelerate his chariot, but he didn't force his horses to run at their maximum speed like the other drivers did. The journey around Hastinapur was not short. If he pushed the
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