Chapter 301

Marilyn's smile widened upon hearing Hazel's words, a flicker of satisfaction dancing in her eyes. She nodded eagerly, eager to further her agenda under the guise of a business transaction that was part of her plans, and it was working out perfectly. The cameraman had already sent her the picture she needed, and she couldn't wait anymore. The look on Hazel's face would be second to none, and she can't wait to see it.

With a calm voice, she utters

“Thank you for wanting to help out with my new project.”

Marilyn replied graciously, her tone tinged with subtle satisfaction, knowing Hazel doesn't know what is coming her way.

Hazel nods to Marilyn's words; she seems like a nice person, momentarily dismissing any lingering suspicions she has about Marilyn. Perhaps Marilyn's intentions were genuine after all, she reasoned. Yet, a twinge of insecurity gnawed at the back of her mind, fueled by jealousy of Marilyn's beauty and confidence in a young lady having a company to her name. That was h
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