Model of inspiration

All the participants mentioned that evening where 17 in number and you can save the commotion in the atmosphere. On the part of the gatekeepers of Chris Woodley's House, was Roland shivering and melting away with fear as his heart pricked him upon hearing his name being mentioned. He never thought it was going to be so because it was just one month left before something like that is to happen — before his name is to be mentioned. Grey placed his hand on Roland's shoulders and could not even speak a word because he could not find a way to console or comforting. Roland knew there was nothing he could do about it anymore because whenever names are being mentioned according to what they have experienced in the past, there's no amount of pleading or begging that will be able to change it. And it does not matter whether they are working for Chris Woodley or not, even Chris will not be able to save them. After a while Greg was able to just say something and what came out of his mouth was not
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