They see everything

"I am afraid to say that I am not that Madison of yours. Let go of me this minute. Your tricks are not going to work on me. And I do not want to ever see you again. Whatever you do just know and have it in mind that you do not belong here." She sputtered hatefully and left him. But as she kept walking away, her heart began to throb she knew it was her beloved childhood lover beyond doubt. She never wanted to set her eyes on him? That was really not what her heart wanted. She felt like returning and giving him a big hug and kisses but her pride would not let her. She felt he was going to chase her but he never did. Madison grew from feeling angry to feelings of regret and desire to be loved.

"I am definitely going to talk to her again. I do not want to ever see you again? Really!... You really do not mean that. Just pray our paths never crossed again. In the meantime I have to go and find out the doors connecting between the tunnel we just fought to get opened and this place." He mumb
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