chapter 32

Take out the new merchandise so they can be branded."The supervisor yelled and Erica heard her heart sink.

"Let me go," Erica shouted as two men grabbed her arms forcefully dragging her away.

"Please you don't have to do this"Erica cried out almost in tears.

Her pleas were all ignored with the other individuals dragged out by the supervisor's men.

Erica was forced on her knees, she slowly raised her gaze to take in the scene in front of her eyes.

One of the supervisor's men was heating a rod. The rod was so hot that it was already bringing out a little smoke.

Erica swallowed the lump in her throat as she broke into a cold sweat.

The scream of the people that received their mark filled her ears causing her to close her eyes in fright.

"Next." The supervisor yelled.

Erica's heart stopped for a moment when she was moved to the front.

The hot iron threatened to burn her skin.

"Please let me go I'll do anything." Erica squirmed.

Just when the hot iron was almost to her skin the supervisor
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