Won A War, Lost The Battle

Chapter 7: Unforeseen Twists

Celine And Circe hastily rushed out of the women’s room after hearing what the staff had to say. Although Celine didn’t care much about what happened to her fellow actress, she didn’t want to remain in the bathroom, or rather unshaken and seem like a bad actress.

To her, her reputation was everything and that was where she had made a mistake, because Circe and mostly Leon knew this, after all, they had studied her and her husband for years after the betrayal they caused.

As the two women approached the location that the staff led them to, they witnessed a small cluster of crew members gathered together and whispering all around themselves, the skilled medic and on-set nurse already at work.

Circe pressed her lips into a thin line and sighed upon realizing that the on-set accident involved one of the major actresses for the character she was playing.

The on set medics and nurses appeared composed, professionally tending to Olivia the actress who had fall
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