Chapter hundred eighty three

Ryan too was not exempted from the fight as he and the other police squad fought in a gun fight pushing back omega forces.

Ryan's heart pounded in his chest as he ducked behind a crumbling pillar, the staccato rhythm of gunfire echoing through the air. Around him, the dimly lit corridors of Dimitri's mansion were alive with chaos and violence, the acrid smell of gun smoke hanging heavy in the air.

With each passing moment, the tension in the air seemed to thicken, the weight of the battle pressing down on Ryan's shoulders like a leaden weight. But he refused to let fear consume him, drawing strength from the knowledge that he fought not only for himself, but for the safety of countless others.

As he peered cautiously around the edge of the pillar, Ryan could see the flickering outlines of his fellow officers, their faces etched with determination as they exchanged fire with the Omega forces. Bullets whizzed past him, striking the walls with a deafening cacophony that reverberated thro
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