Chapter 39

Arthur waited for Kenneth to come home and parked his car not far away so that his employer wouldn't walk too long like this morning.

"Why do you always put the car near the office even though I don't want anyone to see me," said Kenneth, his face looking very tired.

"I don't want you to be tired because tomorrow is the time to execute Alden's problem," said Arthur, opening the door so that Kenneth could immediately come in and sit down and rest, his face looking crumpled and he had lost his enthusiasm.

“But I don't know how to do it properly yet.” Arthur handed him the lit tab.

“Look at this first.” Kenneth looked at the picture on the tab then watched Alden's deal with someone.

“Where did you get this?” Arthur was busy looking at the street.

“It wasn't anywhere that I trapped Alden and had someone record it from a safe distance.” Kenneth felt very happy.

"Then how about tomorrow we show this video to the people in the office?" Kenneth asked.

"Tomorrow there will be a meeting of high
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