Chapter 44

"Please I feel very nervous Arthur," whispered Kenneth wanting to hide behind his driver to cover his red face from embarrassment seeing everyone staring at him being the center of attention inside Grazz Haven this afternoon.

"Didn't you meet lots of people at the branch office yesterday so why are you so nervous now?" Arthur asked, not allowing Kenneth to stand behind him let alone hide his face.

"Yesterday at the branch office, I was just an ordinary employee, no one looked at me with probing eyes like now," said Kenneth.

"They're all just curious about you," annoyed Arthur, pulling Kenneth's arm so he could stand forward to show himself in front of many people.

"Welcome to Grazz Haven, it's an honor to have a visit from you because here we all really respect and love you, sir!" said Edward on behalf of everyone who wanted to welcome Kenneth's arrival.

"Thank you sir!" Kenneth immediately bowed to show politeness and felt embarrassed, even some of the women who were in line whispere
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