Chapter 84

The hall was filled with mockery towards Ethan for not knowing his place.

Now there was nothing but humiliation awaiting him the moment he lost to Karan.

Taking the golden opportunity handed to him on a silver platter, Karan didn't hesitate to make a move, causing his avatar to make a move, scoping Ethan's character with his sniper before taking a shot.

Everyone expected it to hit, after all, it was like trying to shoot a scarecrow and though Karan had no place in the top 100, he was said to be an excellent sharpshooter with an 85% hit rate.

But then the bullet ended up in the sad, a full meter wide of Ethan's avatar.

Immediately, the hall went silent as all eyes shifted from Ethan to Karan.

How the hell did he miss such an easy shot was the question on everyone's minds.

Karan gulped, feeling the pressure weighing down him as he knew that should have struck Ethan.

But though the others hadn't seen it, Kiara had noticed something was off about the way Ethan's avatar was moving.

“Just t
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