chapter 108

Chapter 108

Going out with Samantha's in the new car, smiling as she drives the car, Samantha holds Jude hands throwing a heart kiss to him,

“Where are we going to? Is it a bar, club, or the beach?”, Jude asks looking at Samantha curiously,

“Hey! Just chill and let me take us there then you will know where we are going to okay”,

“Moreover like you told me, if I tell you, then it would not be a surprise or is there somewhere that you would like to be right now?”, Samantha asks staring at Jude smiling with her hand on the wheels as she drives,

“Well I can't really say because there are a lot of places that I could want to be right now," Jude replied as he shook his head taking a deep breath,

“Since you don't have an actual answer then just keep quiet and let me do the driving, okay," Samantha stated calmly,

Got to the hospital Jude parents are admitted, seeing the hospital Jude smiles as stares at Samantha, drew her close and kisses her,

Step out of the car, Jude then held Samantha by h
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