In the dimly lit courtroom, the judge pronounced Frank's sentence with a solemn voice, "Frank Stevens, you have been found guilty of your involvement in the conspiracy to harm Donald. Your actions have caused immense pain and suffering. The court hereby sentences you to twenty-five years in prison for your crimes."

As the gavel fell, Frank's world crumbled around him. He had been a willing participant in Albert's sinister plans, but now he faced the consequences of his choices. With his head bowed, he was led out of the courtroom, his freedom forever lost.

Meanwhile, Rodney's fate hung in the balance as his trial unfolded. The evidence against him was overwhelming, from his confession to the damning testimony of his former associates.

The weight of his crimes pressed heavily on him, and as the days turned into weeks, Rodney knew that the outcome of this trial could be his last.

The day of Rodney's sentencing arrived with an air of anticipation. The courtroom was packed with spectators
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