Serena Hoodie

“Auntie, do you have anything good for an old lady for around a hundred dollars? I only have that money, and I really want to give the best gift to my wife’s grandmother.”

“Do you mean for that rich Mrs. Hoodie?” asked the old woman.

Daren nodded, then he smiled quite stiffly. Then he observed the old woman’s belongings with his eyes.

“Come on, where did you get that much money, Daren? Won’t Mr. Bob only give you twenty-five dollars for one job?”

“I owe it to Mr. Bob, Auntie. Because I can’t possibly buy a gift with my daily salary, then the item will be considered … trash.”

Even Daren was sure that even a gift worth a hundred dollars would be considered trash by Hoodie’s extended family. How could it not be, they were all rich people and a hundred dollars was nothing to them. At least the prize for a Mrs. Hoodie should be over a hundred million dollars.

“I have something really nice for you, and I’m sure it will be a perfect fit.” The old woman spoke with an expression of extraordinary enthusiasm.

“Are you sure, Auntie?”

“Yes, I keep it carefully.” The old woman took an item from a drawer in her shop, a crystal ball with a golden dragon in it. “How about it, isn’t this good?”

Daren looked at the crystal ball without even blinking, then he nodded with a wide smile.

“Yes, this is a really beautiful crystal ball.”

“Even when it snows, this crystal ball will release beautiful crystal grains, and the golden dragon inside will move so sweetly. When you turn off the lights or when it is dark, this crystal ball will glow. At first, I thought that this crystal ball had a battery in it, but apparently there wasn’t. I’m sure Mrs. Hoodie will really like this gift.”

Daren agreed with that, he was sure that his grandmother would like the sweet gift, a gift that Daren had prepared with all his heart.

“How much does it cost, Auntie? I think the price of this thing is very expensive.”

“Ah, no … how much money did you have just now? Give it to me and take this thing with you.”

“Are you serious? I think it’s worth more than a hundred dollars.”

“Then do you have that much money?”

Daren shook his head. Of course Daren didn’t have that kind of money.

“That’s why I just took your money, go home, immediately wrap this sweet gift nicely, and immediately go to the Hoodie family residence. I’m sure that after this you will be the most liked grandson-in-law by all members of the Hoodie family. Just say that  that thing is worth a million dollars, I’m sure they will believe it, then they will think that your life is good enough now."

Daren just smiled, then he nodded. Rushing home was something he had to do now. He didn’t want to be late, because Serena was waiting for him there. If he was late, Daren was sure Serena would be very angry with him.

After everything was ready, Daren was ready to go to the Hoodie family residence. He deliberately took a taxi this time, to appear more confident.

Arriving there, it turned out that Serena was already in front of the main door, with a really annoying expression on her face. Daren, who seemed awkward, smiled faintly. The wife whom he had not touched until now really had a hobby of being angry with him.

“Did you wait for me long?” Daren asked after he approached his wife.

“No, I just got here too. Did you bring a gift for grandma? Don’t bring cheap things to grandma. If you do, just throw them away. I’ll buy the gift later.”

“No need.” Daren said firmly. “I have got a sweet gift for grandma, I think my gift will be able to make grandma’s insomnia getting better.”

“Oh really? What gift is that?”

Daren showed a glimpse of the gift he bought. Serena was impressed when she saw the gift. Even though Serena knew that item was cheap, Daren had definitely tried hard to get the money.

“Not bad, even though I know you bought this from a flea market, but at least it’s good.”

Daren smiled sweetly at Serena’s words. He could even say that this was the first time Serena praised what he was buying.

“Thank you, Serena.”

“Wow, wow … it turns out there is a poor couple from the Hoodie family who are already standing in front of the main door and they are reluctant to enter.” A young man came, his clothes were very classy in an expensive suit. His blonde hair was combed back and looked very neat. The image of the young chief director really stick with him. “Are you guys afraid that you will be insulted if you enter? Or is it because you are quite insecure about the gift you have prepared for grandma?” taunted the man. “Especially you, Daren. A man who is completely incompetent in making money, causing the only female cousin in this house to suffer at life. What kind of trash are you carrying around now?”

“What I bring is none of your business, Miles. And I hope you stop saying things like that. Didn’t you buy all your luxury items with money from Hoodie’s family? You should be the one who is ashamed of me.” Daren answered no less loudly.

“What? I should be ashamed of you? Why should I envy you? All the items you use are used items you bought from flea markets. Are you still proud and looking at me while looking up? You should lower your gaze in shame. In fact you are just like a very pathetic scavenger, a truly ignorant man. Now, just throw away the trash you brought for grandma, because you don’t deserve to give grandma a gift.”

“Miles, stop acting like that, Daren is my husband! Respect him as you respect me!” Serena snapped. Serena didn’t love Darem, she was annoyed because her grandfather matched her with a poor man whose job was as unclear as Daren’s. Serena didn’t know what the problem was, but Serena didn’t accept that Daren continued to be insulted by Miles and the rest of the Hoodie family. “Stop acting like you’re the prince in the Hoodie family, all his grandchildren are equal. And stop continuing to taunt Daren with words like that, he bought a sweet gift for grandma, and I’m sure grandma will definitely like it. So you don’t have to riot and make fun of Daren!” Serena said angrily.

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