Friday Evening, 4:30pm, Honeymoon Hotel.

Louisa and Jakes were out of the hotel and were heading towards the garage.

They were done with all their planning for their mission ahead, and everything was carefully laid out.

Everything they needed to make their work successful was ready.

They walked into the garage, and Jakes unlocked the door to a new car.

They both sat in it as they talked.

Louisa had gone there with a car, but according to Jakes, it was too risky to use her car, as it might be identified by Reuben.

They had hired a new car they were going to use.

They sat in the car as the driver drove out of the premises of the hotel.

" So we are going there earlier, so we can monitor their movements, they should be there around 5pm, and we should get there about ten minutes before them.

Everyone else is ready over there, and this should not take a long time.

We will pull out quickly, " Jakes said.

Louisa nodded.

She was okay with the explanation and how things were go
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