Chapter 126: Make Her Sacrifice

Clad in an elegant ensemble, Davina stood patiently on the bustling roadside, her eyes scanning the passing taxis in search of one to transport her to her destination. Much to her surprise, her attention was abruptly captivated by the sight of a glorious black car sliding to a graceful halt before her. The sleek vehicle exuded an air of luxury, leaving no doubt that its owner possessed an unrivaled taste for extravagance.

As the tinted window slowly descended, revealing Damian's familiar countenance, Davina couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. Accompanying him in the car was none other than his trusted companion, Nick, who, on this particular day, took on the role of chauffeur. It perplexed Davina why Damian did not rely on his usual personal driver.

It dawned on Damian that he had fortuitously chanced upon an opportunity to engage in an enthralling conversation with Davina, a chance he couldn't pass up. Opting to depart for the court earlier than usual, he ta

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