Chapter 4

"Yes, but until now you can't even make Harley happy. It's better if you divorce her and let her be with Christian," said mother.

 "Mother and father, don't be like that. Gerald and I will never divorce," said Harley loudly.

 "You," said the mother-in-law angrily.

 Her mother-in-law almost wanted to hit Harley for being so impudent in defying all her orders. However, Gerald quickly protected him and immediately took Harley into the room and locked the door.

 "I'm sorry about what you said earlier," said Harley.

 "No need to worry. We'd better go to sleep, you have an important meeting tomorrow," answered Gerald. Harley snorted loudly, her face showing a complaint that could no longer be hidden.

 "What is it?" Gerald asked.

 "Grandma replaced my position with Renal. Grandma thinks I don't have enough potential to win the project with Wayne Corporation," Harley explained.

 Renal is known as Kyle's grandmother's grandson who, apart from being arrogant, is also a genius even though he is far below Harley, he is even able to show great potential to develop the Kyle Group in the future, so it's not wrong for Kyle's grandmother to rely on him.

 "If you don't accept grandma's decision, can you apply for cooperation with the Wayne Corporation yourself? You are still the company's commissioner, which means you still have full power," said Gerald, making a suggestion.

 "No. I'm already pessimistic. Beating Renal seems very impossible. The achievements that Renal will bring will definitely be much better than mine," replied Harley.

 "Come on, you are the smartest woman on campus and I have ever met in this century, I'm sure your proposal will be better than Renal's," said Gerald.

 There was enthusiasm that ignited in Harley's heart when she heard Gerald's support. Harley smiled when her husband's words regained her confidence. She got up from her seat on the bed and hugged Gerald tightly.

 "Thanks for cheering me up," Harley said. Gerald smiled stroking Harley's long hair as he said.

 "As husband and wife, we should encourage each other." Harley smiled broadly in response to Gerald's words, which were so beautiful to hear.

 The next day, early in the morning, Gerald said goodbye to Harley. Last night's argument with his in-laws made him think about hiding his new identity while seeing how far his in-laws would go to separate him from Harley. Gerald arrived at the Wayne Corporation building when he was about to step inside and passed Renal with his fiancé, Yokke.

 "Poor cousin, you're here too?" Yokke, who heard Renal insult his cousin-in-law, burst into laughter.

 "I have a call for work here," replied Gerald lazily.

 "Oh yeah? What job? Sweeper or parking attendant?" Renal teased again.

 Gerald was too lazy to serve these two arrogant people because he was in a very good mood this morning. In front of the Wayne Corporation entrance, Gerald could clearly see Arnold standing who was waiting for him.

 “This could be dangerous,” he thought. So with a hand signal, Gerald told Arnold to wait for him somewhere else, making Renal a little suspicious, fortunately the man had left there first.

 "Yes, I've just been accepted as a cleaner in this office. Isn't that enough to add money to my father's medical expenses," said Gerald.

 How can Renal have a cousin-in-law who considers the dirty and disgusting job of a cleaner a matter of pride? It really makes him really amused and will become a new arena of humiliation for him which will lead to work problems and humiliation in front of grandma later.

"You really are very useless. How can you consider cleaning as a matter of pride? But that job is very suitable for you and your wife Harley. I pray that you will enjoy working here. Meanwhile, Yoke and I will receive a new contract from Wayne Corporation and establish a collaboration that will make the Kyle Group famous on the West Island," said Gerald.

 Gerald didn't answer, he just gave Renal a small smile before he walked away from there into Wayne Corporations. At the reception desk, Arnold Zummer was waiting and immediately asked Gerald several questions about why he knew a man like Renal.

 “You know Renal, young master?” Arnold asked.

 "No, I'm not friends with him," answered Gerald. The two of them stepped into the elevator to go to the top floor of the building.

 "Then why are you talking to him?" Arnold asked.

 "He's my wife's cousin. Oh, yes, can I ask you for help?" said Gerald.

 "Yes, of course with pleasure, young master," said Arnold.

 "Look, today the Kyle Group will send two cooperation representatives with us. Can you accept just one proposal brought by my wife, not Renal?" Gerald asked.

 "Of course, young master?" Gerald smiled with satisfaction at Arnold's words.

 Anastasia Gwen's name was already well known among investors and business partners of the Wayne Corporation when she saw Gerald, who was going to be Wayne's grandfather's replacement, looking a little surprised because the man was a former rich man in New York City whose parents were caught in a corruption case.

 "Welcome, Mr. Wayne," said Anastasia.

 "She is Anastasia, the old master's personal secretary who will be your personal secretary, young master," said Arnold.

 "Hello, I'm Gerald. Please help with all the work we are going to do," Gerald said.

 "My pleasure, Mr. Wayne," answered Anastasia.

 Wayne's grandfather's office was so big and luxurious, all the walls and roof were white, which showed that he was indeed a clean person. Gerald chuckled in his seat now, still not realizing that he actually had the blood of the owner of the Wayne Corporation.

 Gerald remembered Renal and Yoke, who were about to meet him downstairs, and immediately repositioned his body straight, looking at Anastasia and Arnold who were busy with the files in front of them.

 "Mr. Zummer, my statement about Renal was not joking. You really won't accept him as our business partner, right?" Gerald asked.

 "Actually, I have to consider that, young master. Considering that I know that Renal graduated with a business degree at a California campus. Of course with him we can build increasingly advanced business wealth," answered Arnold.

 "No. Harley is better than him," said Gerald. Arnold and Anastasia's gaze met each other for a moment.

 "Did he offend you, young master?" asked Anastasia.

 Not only does this make Gerald offended, Renal even makes Gerald feel hurt almost every day. This moment is very suitable to take revenge for his hurt towards the man, especially with Harley's complaint last night which made his revenge burn even more.

 "Okay, if the young master wants Renal not to be our business partner, I will tell Anastasia to meet him directly and terminate our cooperation contract," said Arnold.

 "Yes, I want you to only accept the proposal sent by Harley," ordered Gerald.

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