The Military Police

After successfully dialing emergency services, Jack scanned the kitchen frantically, ensuring there was nothing present that could have caused Carrie's sudden collapse. His mind raced with questions, searching for any possible explanation. There were no stray bullets fired from a distance, no apparent signs of foul play, and Carrie had seemed perfectly fine when they spoke moments ago. The puzzle of her abrupt demise loomed ominously over him, each unanswered question adding to his growing sense of unease.

Soon, the wail of sirens pierced the air as an ambulance and police cars screeched to a halt outside Carrie's apartment building. Jack's heart sank as he watched the paramedics rush past him, their urgent movements a stark contrast to the stillness that pervaded the kitchen.

As they approached Carrie's motionless form, the paramedics wasted no time in their assessment. With grim expressions, they exchanged solemn glances before one of them shook his head solemnly.

"I'm sorry, she's
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