Chapter 270 Don't Give Up, She's Yours!

Alice blushes as if she were back in high school.

"Matt! Where did you get this absurd information, my grandson?"

"Absurd is someone thinking they would have a future with you when you were already head over heels for my grandfather." Matthew calms down a bit.

Seeing Alice react all shy amused him.

Alice shakes her head, "Don't be like that, Matt. Alfredo, at the time, was a good match. But your grandfather was the one who won my heart."

"Yes, of course." Matthew smiles, "Love is in the air. But now that the other lost you, he finds a way to get revenge by taking out his frustration on me, taking advantage of the fact that I'm the grandson of his rival."

Alice fills with rage. "What an outrage... His wife always knew that he had his eyes on me. I don't know how she hasn't died of cancer yet."

"Do you have contact with Mrs. Dantas?" Matthew asked.

"No, if I get close to her, she might kill me with a letter opener," Alice answers resolutely. "Anyway, dinner is ready. You need to bathe f
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