Chapter 272 The Price of Being Dishonest

At the Andrade family breakfast table, Jacqueline reacted nervously to Walter's report.

"What? Is he not interested in committing incest? But I'm not his blood sister, damn it!" Jacqueline pounded the table, causing cups and utensils to shake.

Walter widened his eyes and leaned back, leaning against the back of the chair as if it were safer.

"What's with this angry reaction, sis? I've never seen you like this."

"There's always a first time for everything!" Jacqueline grumbled, "I can't believe Matt said something like that to me! Was it that secretary?"

"Secretary?" Walter tried to remember, "You mean Evan?"

"Maybe. He's a serious guy who seems like a wife-beater." Jacqueline described Evan in a prejudiced manner, "He was the one who rightfully shot Cindy."

"Careful, remember this is a secret." Walter raised his index finger.

"Maybe it would be better if the public knew the truth." Jacqueline grinned maliciously.

Walter, however, became more somber. "Jacqueline Andrade, listen to me v
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