Chapter 277 I'll Clear My Name

Gibraltar Club, evening.

Patricia meets with Theodore Damascene, sitting at a reserved table.

"We don't need to drink anything," Patricia said, "Let's just talk business."

"You're in charge," Theodore tries to smile, but his nervousness is evident.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Patricia notices his distressed expression.

Theodore takes a deep breath before delivering the strange news. "Miss Borges, I don't even know where to start. I called Matthew Sterling, informing him of your intention to clear your name, but he reacted negatively and said it was better for you not to get involved."

Patricia's eyes widened, surprised by Matthew's change.

Not only did he break up with her, but now he prohibits her from trying to clear her name in front of the mockers!

"What crazy idea is this?" Patricia complains, "I NEED to be cleared of this fake painting nonsense! Mr. Damascene, you know I never meant to cause trouble for your family!"

"I know," Theodore responds kindly.

"So, what is
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