Chapter 279 A Meeting from the Past

In the dining room of the Sterling Mansion, the servants begin to serve the options. Abner is present, looking at his cell phone, checking the time.

Alice had not returned yet.

Matthew appears and sits down. "How empty the mansion is! Well, that will change in a few days."

"Is your mother coming back here? Did she break up with her writer boyfriend?" Abner asked interested.

"No. They're going to live together and get married once mom has moved on." Matthew smiles hopefully, "Grandpa, I had a genius idea!"

"Tell me." Abner beams.

"I found a young lady who will meet the shareholders' wishes," Matthew proudly announces, "Elaine Prates!"

Abner bounces in his chair, startled by the news.

"Heh, heh, what a shock was that, Grandpa?" Matthew laughs.

"Elaine Prates, from Golden Letters?" Abner asks astounded.

"The very one." Matthew starts to serve himself, "What do you think?"

"What does SHE think about this?" Abner composes himself.

The issue is moving too fast.

"She kissed me, reciprocating
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