New thing

Dustin tried to calm his wife down. He realized that she had been truly angered by Esther sudden behavior for wanting to create a grand wedding for Tom and not her. It was truly devastating and he couldn't deny that.

"Alara?" He called out to her, knocking gently on the door. His voice remained as warm as early spring, as if her heart beat so steadily even though she took a different view from him. She simply said this was her way of doing things. He could see her balk at first, so accustomed he was the to ways of Alara and her fiery temper. He was different, because he absorbed things and then responded more than reacted, dampened situations rather than adding to the flames. And so before he knew it everything was happy again, it was love all around instead of the bickering he was so accustomed to. It was a sense of calm he grew to love.

And he would be teaching it to his wife now.

"This path of life is challenge enough," he began to say. Dustin remembered a little of what his moth
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