Chapter 157

As expected, Kelvin had filed a case against Mark Muller and General Orlando, accusing them of plotting every single attack on his family, including the disappearance of Katherine and Pamela.

The city was boiling with the big news, every lip had the story on them, whispering to whoever cared to listen.

General Orlando being a prolific person in the country, his involvement in the case took the government by surprise. Many rubbished the news until today, the day of the hearing.

After the court case, every piece of evidence presented by Kelvin seemed to tally with his claim, but due to the caliber of people involved, the judge had postponed the judgment by two weeks.

Kelvin got home that sunny afternoon, his face was beaming with a smile. He felt victorious at the end, even if the damage done couldn't be undone.

As he entered the house, he went straight to his room and collapsed on the bed, his face fixated on the ceiling. He gasped softly, and a thought crossed his mind.

He stood
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