A Deal with Kevin Lang

Albert's contemplative silence lingered in the air, the weight of his words resonating within the room. Each breath seemed to carry the gravity of his newfound vitality, a stark contrast to the weariness that had plagued him before. "I feel remarkably better," he finally confessed, his voice carrying a hint of wonder. "I was weary before, but now I feel energized."

Calvin's response was measured, his gaze thoughtful as he considered Albert's revelation. "Further observation is necessary," he declared, his tone calm yet decisive. "You must report any recurrence of the symptoms you experienced earlier tonight."

Calvin's request for pen and paper was met with a nod from Albert, who directed Jenkins to fetch the necessary supplies. With a deferential nod, Jenkins hastened to retrieve the requested items, careful not to disrupt the unfolding scene.

As Calvin swiftly penned the prescription, his hand moved with practiced efficiency, crafting each stroke with purpose. "Drink this every night
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