Preparation now

The wedding began, and the bride, resplendent in her elegant, strapless gown, walked down the aisle, her father's arm proudly escorting her. The guests, comprising influential and esteemed individuals, applauded warmly, their diamond jewelry and designer attire glinting in the soft light. As they reached the podium, the priest, with his kind face and wise eyes, greeted them with a gentle smile.

Charlie, standing in the crowd, felt a knot in his stomach as he watched the scene unfold. He couldn't believe this day had finally arrived, and he was powerless to stop it. He forced a smile, joining in the applause, but his mind raced with thoughts of betrayal and deceit. Leo, noticing his friend's distress, leaned in and whispered reassurances. "Everything will be okay, don't worry. We'll reveal his dirty secret soon. Let him think he's won for now."

The priest began the ceremony, his voice soothing and calm, and soon the couple exchanged their vows, sealing their union with a kiss. As they
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