Chapter 137.

Amber opened her eyes to realize she was lying on Curtis's bed. She was completely naked and immediately knew she had made love to him. Luckily for her, it was still night, and she could return to her room without Carson suspecting anything had happened.

"It can't be, it can't be," Amber got up quickly and began searching for her clothes, but they were scattered everywhere. Even in the hallway, there were some pieces of her clothing.

For some reason, she was alone in the room, but she didn't have time to stay and ask questions. She just wanted to return to her room with Carson as soon as possible.

She finally managed to gather all her clothes. A quick glance in the mirror to make sure there were no traces or marks on her skin from that wild encounter with Curtis. She adjusted her hair, and she was ready to leave.

However, the door to Curtis's room opened before she could touch the handle.

Curtis walked in holding a champagne glass in each hand, surprised to see her dressed and eager t
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