Back in the bathroom

The room was engulfed with an awkward silence, no one said a single word in the room again and it was weird.

"Come on, we have to live the life of our stories so that we can get the hell out of this book," Lucain said causing Trevor to furrow his brows

"Wait! You mean to say that we can leave whenever we like?" Trevor asked

"No!" Melissa responded

"Goodness me, but I asked about this, what needs to happen before we can the hell out of this book, my mom would be worried sick, she doesn't know where I work," Trevor said stating the only thing that made him feel worried

"Don't worry about that, a day here is an hour in real life so let's just try and get things done quickly!!!" Melissa responded

"What are supposed to do?" Trevor asked.

"Act it exactly the way it was written!" She said and turned to gaze at Lucain. Today was the exact day that Rachel was poisoned. So they weren't going to change any single thing

"This wasn't the story I wanted to pick, I was deceived by the covers," Mel
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