Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce

6 ratings

Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce

By: Esther Writes CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 188 views: 49.1K

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Angus Knighton hits rock bottom when his mother is dying and his arrogant wife and her family keep humiliating and insulting him for being poor.All that changes when a man in expensive clothes meets him in the hospital and shocks him with the news that he is the grandson of the richest man in the country. Now Angus is rich and can buy anything in the world, but then his wife divorces him because she doesn't think she can endure his poverty anymore…

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Becoming A Trillionaire After Divorce is the Realistic/Urban novel by Esther Writes following the story of Angus Knighton who faces humiliation not only from his wealthy wife's family but even the wife herself all the while his own mother is dying. But everything changes when one day, a stranger reveals to him that he's the heir to tremendous wealth, transforming Angus's life completely.


The novel currently has 52 chapters along with a 10 rating score and 6.2K views.


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  • riva


    I love this book

    2024-03-20 05:09:02


    Great book. Keep it up ...

    2023-12-06 05:00:59
  • Gerry Winters


    This is a great story so far I hope it gets even better. I keeps my attention with every turn of the page ...

    2023-11-28 13:08:07
  • Zaynab


    I like the suspense

    2023-09-30 17:05:21
  • GhostOftheSenju


    It's has been a good story so far hope it continues to be.

    2023-09-14 02:40:04
  • Ogbonna Kingsley Njoku


    I love this book

    2023-12-02 17:23:32
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188 chapters
Angus hurries into the compound like a madman, he even knocks down a few flower pots. He doesn't care to ask the taxi to wait for him, he slams the door shut as he barges into the house. He is looking for his wife, she is filing her nails and supporting her phone between her neck and shoulder. He angrily walks to her, she doesn't even notice him yet. "Where is my money?!" He yells. She looks up with a calm face, ends the call, and sets the phone down. "Okay, Angus Knighton, what are you talking about this time around?" She scoffs. "Don't act smart with me, Ashley!" He warns. "What have you done with my money?!" It took three excruciating years to gather that money and it was just enough to pay for his mother's surgery, but now it was all gone. Angus sighs, rubbing between his eyebrows. He is trying his best to remain calm. "I went to the bank to withdraw the money for my mum's surgery and I found three dollars in my account. Three dollars!" She goes back to filing her nails
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By the time Angus gets to the hospital, the sky was dark and rain was hitting the ground. He pays the taxi driver with the little money that he has on him and he rushes into the hospital. He goes past the reception, his chest is beating, and he's hurrying to get to his mother, to see that she is still alive. The moment that he turns to the hall that leads to the ward that leads to her room, he sees his mother on the ground!His mother is on the ground like a freaking sideroad beggar!"Mum!" He goes to her with speed. She is shivering on the ground, only her blanket is shielding her from the harshness of the weather. Angus is now filled with fury, who dared to do this to his mother?!"Where is the head nurse?!" He demands so loudly that everyone turns to look at him. "Where is she?!"His thundering voice makes one of the junior nurses runoff. She comes back with the head nurse, who was holding her hands in front of her face, she looks scared. That all goes away when she enters
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Everyone turns around to see who the person with the roar of the lion is and their breath is taken. A middle-aged man in a fancy suit walks up to them. His shoes are shining like they were scrubbed overnight by servants and his wristwatch is decorated with diamonds. Even though no one seems to know who this stranger is, everyone knows that he is rich. He takes off his glasses, looks at Angus and his mother, walks to Angus, and bows to him. Angus looks around in shock, what's happening?! No one has ever bowed to him in his life! Not even a rat! "Forgive me, young master, I should have been here earlier." He apologized. Angus twists his neck around, looking for the camera that is videoing this prank, but there is none. Who is this man and is he referring to Angus as "young master" when he is clearly richer than him?The director sneers as he comes between Angus and the strange man, the mean look on his face has returned. "So what is your plan?" He asks rudely. "You used your
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When the director realizes that Lorenzo has been telling the truth, he falls to his face trembling like a jellyfish. The head nurse that insulted and humiliated his mother also goes straight to her knees. Is this a dream?! Angus can't believe that these two idiots are now begging him. So this strange man, Lorenzo, is he telling the truth? Lorenzo turns to Angus and bows to him with a smile. "Young Master, now that we have bought the hospital, they can now cure our Mistress." At that instance, Angus' mother moves at her hand, as if she was reaching out for him. He runs to her side and holds her hand, kissing it. Thank God that his mother is still holding on to life. "Don't worry, Mum, I will keep you alive no matter what." He whispers to her. "Someone get me a bed!" The director screams as if that is going to account for all of his sins. Angus scoffs as she looks at Lorenzo, who is waiting for whatever he is going to say. "After all the insults and humiliation these people th
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Angus' mouth drops to the ground, this is like the craziest thing he has heard in a long time. No one else hears his conversation with Lorenzo, but everyone can see the shock on his face. How is this possible that he is from a very wealthy family?"No, no, no, no." Angus laughs. "I am sure that if I were to be from a wealthy family, my mother would have told me. Thank you for your help, but this is a joke." Lorenzo laughs as if this reaction was something that he was expecting to see from Angus. "Mister Knighton, I know that it's much to think about, but I will give you time." Lorenzo takes out a card from his pocket and hands it to Angus. "I have handled everything with your mother's hospital bills so you don't have to worry." He says. "When you finally want to meet your family, please give me a call, young master." Even though he hasn't gotten out of his shock, he still takes the card from LorenzoLorenzo bows to him one more time before leaving. The doctor takes his mother
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One million dollars? Angus has never seen such an amount of money in his life and neither has he ever been told to spend one million dollars in a day. So Angus leaves his grandfather's house with a blank head. Here is a card without limit, but he doesn't know what to do with it. Maybe he should get a better house, a bigger one, yes that would be nice. And maybe a car too, a brand new one. Ashley has always talked about how she felt like the walls of the house were caving down on her even though it's just two of them, a new house will do them good. But is it even a good idea to do anything nice for Ashley? She wished that his mother died, she took her surgery money and bought herself a freaking dress. His steps feel even heavy as he walks down the road to get to a taxi, he is having mixed feelings about this. Finally, when he gets to the road to get a taxi, his phone rings in his pocket. When he takes it out, he looks at it to find out that it's his wife calling. He has been so
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Angus can't believe that this is happening to him, he can't believe that Ashley wants to leave their marriage. He is hurt, he feels like his heart is being ripped out of his chest, but he manages to keep his face straight. He exhales as he looks up at Ashley, she has her hands folded and doesn't have any emotion on her face. "What's this?" He asks her, raising the papers. "What do you want?" "Are you daft or something?! Don't you understand?! I want a divorce!" She screams in his face. He isn't fazed a bit, he is used to his wife being mean to him all the time. "But why?" He asks again. "I thought we were in love and happy?" "Happy?" She snorts. "How can we be happy when all you ever care about is your mother?! You use all your money to save her when you should be spending on me!" Angus feels as if he should blast the hell out of her with his words, he can't believe that she is comparing his mother's health with her luxury wants. Even though he is very angry at her, he contro
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Angus is furious, he can't stand the continuous insult to his mother. He takes the divorce agreement, a quick look and signs it without any hesitation.Ashley laughs, she is so happy that Angus signed. "OK, let's go to the court now, Mr. Quinton has arranged everything well, we could get all the documents today. You see? That's how you benefit from the power." She laughs. Angus sneers,"OK, I want to finish this mess earlier too."Seeing Angus being so calm, Ashley is angry. Because for her, Angus must be unreasonable and crazy to keep the marriage.After all, she was so good to him, he won't ever find a girl as good as her after the divorce."How can he be so calm?He must be pretending!" Ashley thinks. She sneers at him in anger. "You're trying to be cool, huh? OK, let's go. Mr. Quinton will drive us to the court, how about you, loser?" She is trying to show off what Quinton has, to prove it's Angus's loss divorcing her.But Angus is still calm, "I'll take the taxi, it would be t
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Everyone's jaw drops as they all freeze in place. They all can't believe that the rich and beautiful woman has come to see Angus, where did his poverty-stricken ass meet her?! Ashley goes green with envy, she isn't even trying to hide it or anything. She can't take it, she raises her voice at Angus. How dare he talk to another woman right in front of her? He doesn't even feel ashamed!"Hey, Angus, have you lied to this lady?!" She accuses. "She doesn't know the truth about you, does she?!" Joanna turns around with obvious disgust, she doesn't give Angus the chance to speak. "I'm sorry, who are you?" She asks. Ashley smiles as she takes a step forward. She is feeling very intimidated by this woman even though she doesn't want to show it. Her shoes alone can buy Ashley's house and she knows it. Ashley tears her greedy eyes away from the designer shoes as she looks the lady straight in the eyes. "I am his ex-wife." She declares. "Oh." Joanna turns to Angus, he didn't tell her
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Angus is slightly annoyed by this unacceptable behavior of the doorman, but he keeps his cool. "Excuse me, is there anything that seems to be a problem?" Angus asks. "What are you doing here?" The doorman rudely inquire. " I need to access the building as I have business with the manager." Angus points to the door. "Look, I don't have time for this. I want you to turn around and leave right now before I throw you out." The doorman says. "You think that poor people like you are allowed to enter into this building?" Angus is so shocked by this that all he can do is laugh. The frown on the doorman's face grows even more when he sees the smile on Angus' face. What's funny? Angus can't believe that yet another person is going about, judging him for dressing the way he did. "So you think I am a poor man?" He asks. "Do you think that a poor man would come here to purchase a house?" "A house, no!" The man scoffs. "But you are definitely here for the free coffee and dessert, aren't y
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