Back Home as a Villain

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Back Home as a Villain

By: Tsleem_shk OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 26 views: 389

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Riyan who is a fox spirit, when he was 15, he was tricked to think that the sky god of Azara saved his life, to repay that he went to Azara, the Sky realm. In other words, his soul transmigrated into the body of a war god, who was blind. Sky king had promised to let him go when his son ascends the throne. He trained to death off in order to become most powerful war god. He changed the previous image of Asuna as war mad person. He fulfilled all the things Sky king asked and when he thought he could finally go home. He was backstabbed. Later thinking that there was no purpose left in his life. He went to Styx Bridge and jumped from there. Instead of perishing, he woke up in his home. Dungeons opened when he was 5 years old on Earth, But not on Ankara the land of demons. He visited a dungeon and ended up beating a fake boss and won a system like feature. And it was just beginning. Author's note: It's my first time trying to write something. If you find anything is wrong in chapters or mistake. Do let me know. Thank you.

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26 chapters
PROMO: Is Styx bridge going through some error?
"A battle against the god that finally came to an end. A battle where I had lost everything, a battle that was written to end with blood." Reads it from the book loud."What a wise line someone had said. I wish I could say the same.""Sir Riyan, life is not a light novel.""Kalki, bro do you have to be such a buzzkill, do you not like this novel?""No, it's just I mean why would a god fight with his creations? Why would he wrong his own creations? The god is not someone whom a human brain can ever comprehend? a god is more merciful, kind than any being, he can only be cruel unless the novel's author is an atheist.""Right, indeed a god would never fight with his creations, and you are also right that the author of this novel is indeed an atheist.""if you knew that why did utter words that you wish to say the same words?""Oh! that's because the one I want to kill is also a God, is also worshipped as a god but little do people know about him. But don't worry the God I'm speaking abou
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The world was suffering from sudden disruption of dungeons all over the world, internal conflicts and endless wars in dungeons. Humans became stronger day by day and they all started possessing auras. As days it became so cruel that a person can't even sleep under a roof without fighting for it. Especially when a half demon roams among, they will have to live like an outcast. Asuna, a half demon who lived with humans as an outcast not because he was a half demon but because of his eyes. Because he always covered his eyes with blind fold. He had two types of eyes one was eye of truth, which allows him to look through a person's lies and personality. and the other was eye of spirit, which allows him to look at ghosts, spirits and hidden secrets beings. When he turned 100 according to Azarian age, (100 Azarian years = 2000 years in human realm) he was called to come to Azara by his father, who is king of Sky realm called Azara. Because his eye was poisoned by a powerful poison which can
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Azarel and Yoon
*After ending the war in 4 years, Asuna finally arrived at the capital* The banquet was waiting for the victors. Azara was filled with joy. Kazim was over cloud nine because his both son and daughter were the main characters in winning the battle. Yoon and Azarel's family also joined the congratulatory banquet. But Yoon's complexion was very weak, and he looked very pale. *After the congratulatory banquet Azarel was taking a walk while holding mara in his hands. Kazim thought of it as an opportunity to snitch on Yoon* He went to Azarel and said that Yoon is planning to kill mara. Azarel didn't believe that and asked for proof. Then Kazim showed a red Gaia flower card. Azarel asked his father again if he is mistaken or something and later asked his daughter the same thing she said Yoon gave a card with red flower. Azarel was very shocked hearing this because Yoon gives a Gaia flower card only to people whom he will kill later. It was like his signature card. Meanwhile Asuna is beg
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The Act
Asuna was invited to the valley lilies garden. Which was said to be the blind spot of Azara.Asuna said that he loves her for real but will not marry her. The moment she heard that her mind went blank. And then she started to think that he's planning to do something knowing Yoon already died. Which Asuna doesn't know at least not yet she grabbed her sword. *clink*.As he turned towards her, her sword pierced through him. And Asuna falls down. Then she said- "you know what my father had already told me to kill you. once you let your guard down in front of me. But I didn't want that, what I wanted was after my brother sits on the throne, I thought I would keep you as my concubine because you always said you loved me. But now what? you want to annul our engagement. Why do you want to annul? oh is it because my brother killed your beloved brother Yoon?"in silent voice-"My brother is dead? and Azarel killed him? When? I met him last night and he was supposed to be with the doctor today"B
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Before Asuna went to the black pearl to meet with Azarel, When Beshah was talking about making Asuna as her concubine."I thought it would be waste of that face to kill you. Though you can't see, but you always sense everything, every time, but you didn't sense my sword now that means you trust me. right? still you shouldn't say things like annulling our engagement. So as saying goes "if I can't have you then no one can", I'll kill you right here, not even a single soul will know." Beshah spoke arrogantly with confidence that she'll kill him."pfft..hahahaha. Ouch! that hurts." -Asuna laughed while standing from the ground.Beshah asked him while looking at him. "Seeing that you are laughing. Have u finally lost it now? and why are you trying to stand when you can't?"Asuna smiled and leaned towards her and said, "Darling, you should check whether my pulse is dropping or not." In a fraction of second he stabbed her right in her heart with his arrow and that goes in and coils around he
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Azarel went with Asuna with a lot of questions to ask the 'old man.' Because Asuna said that he can answer all his questions. They reached the peach blossom forest where an old man was standing in black- and gold-colored clothes. As soon as Azarel saw him, he was stunned and couldn't believe if it was reality or not. Because the one who was standing there was none other than the king.Asuna who saw Azarel's expression was so done with him making those expressions and spoke,"Enough with that look that's your real father and the blood bath and ruining things you spoke of were all for to make you the next king. Asuna explained everything from Kazim killing crown princes and Asuna to killing Yoon." Azarel looked at king and asked, "you did all just for that? what would have happened if Yoon had become king like my fath- like Kazim wanted?"The king spoke- "my son I absolutely had no interest in making my sons as my heir, just because my queen asked that she wanted to see her son on the th
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Why are you here?
"Huh? where is this? Do perished souls also go to afterlife? Ryan was mumbling himself and someone entered the room in weird clothes. Riyan looked him and shouted, "WHY ARE YOU HERE!? "The guy asked "What? you know me?"Riyan replied "no"the guy was displeased and said, "If you didn't know me then why you shouted, 'why are you here.' "Riyan replied " I don't know you, but I do know that aura around you. That aura only belongs to gods. if you have it around you means that you are one of them too."The guy said, " No wonder Cielo smuggled you to his world seeing how quick you caught my disguise.""I was smuggled!?" Riyan was shocked.The guy replied "Yeah, you were, what? you didn't know that? He messed up reputation of a sky god to the point that its embarrassing to call myself a sky god."Riyan surprised and said "What? You are sky god? Are you here to help him?The guy said " yeah, I am sky god. My name is Noah Justus. And no, I'm not helping him but you."Riyan asked "why?"Noah
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I did what?!
Doctor ran over to Riyan's room after he heard that he woke up and passed out. He saw that Riyan was snoozing. Then he checked his pulse, and everything said, " Riyan didn't pass out but fell asleep because his body started to heal all the internal injuries that weren't healed before. He will be in same as he was 3 years ago after he wakes up."His grandpa asked, "you said that he will be the same as he was 3 years ago? Are you sure about that?"Doctor *sighs*: listen Pherio, I don't want to say this, but I don't have any choice. You should stop hoping that he will be the same kid as he was. That year he got hurt a lot. After that accident he even lost his father, then knows that his moth- *glass cracking sound* forget it. All I tell you is wait until he regains his consciousness fully. Call me if he wakes up."Grandpa put the glass he was holding, said" Kushina, see Rick out."*Rick sighs**Later day*Riyan woke up after sleeping for 30 hours. And saw his friend who was also his assi
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That "Thing"
After leaving Riyan's room Pherio went to Rick and told him about what Riyan wants to do in future. Rick asked, "did he actually say that." "Yep" Pherio replied and said the story of Azara to Rick. Rick: you said that he told something like that before suiciding. Are you sure that he's not playing with you? Pherio: I want to know the same thing. *Looked out of the window and saw Riyan walk with stick. * Know what? I don't care if he's lying or playing with me. Even if what he said was a lie. I will believe it. Rick: You are a serious pain, you know that, right? Even if you don't want to know, I will find out whether he's Riyan or that Asuna guy. Pherio scoffed and asked, "And how will you do that?" Rick: Simple, tell him to complete a study year here. Pherio: I already did that though. But how will that help you? Rick: Riyan won't be able to use his right hand because that hand almost like cut off. so, it will take more time to heal than the other parts. And as soon as Riyan st
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That "Thing"
Riyan said, "I appreciate the thought sir, but I don't want that, if you want to do anything just let me write exam by myself," Teacher said, "Ryu Ahn, you don't even remember anything from past school years, how will you write? by cheating?" Riyan said" CHEATING!? what do you take me for? I will write by myself. and if you want to do anything please assign me personal tutor until the exams are over. Everything else I'll take care. Teacher tried to stop that, but principal agreed and said that new teacher will come to him by afternoon, also said that "do tell your brother we treat you well." Riyan said, "I will" and his teacher asked principal who his brother was, Riyan was about to leave, but stopped because he was curious as to which of his brother is principal talking about and principal said, "he will come soon to him you'll know." Riyan left with dissatisfaction. He went to classroom with his teacher, He was so tired from curiosity that he slept in the class until lunch break.
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