Chapter 50

“Because you are double crossing me. This wasn't the deal.”

Sandra cackled like a chicken. Then she got serious. “Oh, poor Ethan. The moment you signed

the contract, you agreed to my terms. I won't hesitate to make your life a living hell if you stop

me. I will take charge of this project and that's final.”

“Er.. no.” Ethan said with a smile playing on his lips. Now, he could see what the old man was

saying. Her true colors were becoming visible by the second. “Sandra, do you know one of

Anderson's strengths?”

How words seemed to confuse her. “And where are you going with this discussion?”

“It’s the four houses' weaknesses. That's why you can never beat me.” Ethan knew he was just

bluffing, but he had other things to assign Rachel to. “Either you play by my rules or I cut the

project off totally. It is my building, my project, my rules.”

“The Houses will hear about this.”

What House? Ethan scoffed. “They are only waiting for you to mess up so that they would scoop

in and
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