Chapter 51

"You're all fired." Ethan concluded. It was the only way he could think off to keep everyone around him safe.

"Master Ethan..." Paul began. He had never seen anyone so frightened, despite how Ethan tried so hard to hide it.

"I can't risk it Paul." Ethan interjected. "It's the only way to nib this in the bud."

"You're excused." Rachel faced the other person with them. It was obvious that this was now becoming an inner circle issue.

"I suggest we call the Housekeeper and also keep him in the loop." Rachel suggested once the other lady left them.

"Definitely I'll do that. But your safety is more important right now." Ethan still insisted.

Rachel and Paul looked at each other and suddenly understood why Ethan was so much bothered about their safety. — Suzan.

It was obvious that their beloved Master was still grieving and while they may not hold the same weight Suzan did, he cared for them all the same.

"You don't have to worry about us Master Ethan" Paul assured him with a smile.

"We kno
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