Chapter 60

Mike drove recklessly to Lena's house and as soon as the car parked outside of her house, he stepped down and muttered some curse words to himself. Mike looked around the street that night, the neighborhood was serene, the air was heavy. It was a perfect night for a murder.

"Alright, let's do this," Mike told the assassin who stepped down as well. He too surveyed the environment and brought out a silencer.

Mike arched his brow at the sight of the gun.

"What do you think you're doing with that?" Mike questioned. The assassin turned to him with surprise in his face.

"I am getting ready to do the job. What else do you think?" He asked Mike who scoffed.

"Did I tell you that I trusted you enough to let you handle this? You already fucked up things with Lecter. Do you want to fuck this up too?" He asked while the assassin just frowned.

"What happened with Lecter James, sir, was a mistake that will never repeat itself again. In my line of work, such mistakes happen a lot. Maybe you should re
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