Magnificent Mage of Life

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Magnificent Mage of Life

By: Darken Ross OngoingFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 16 views: 306

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After being punished by the elder gods for getting involved with human affairs, demi-god Kamizoel lived some years as a human and then killed himself and his bullies by falling over a cliff, He got reborn into the body of the prince of Ansalon, Prince Anakin. The prince without "Life". The weak prince. Anakin makes an oath to himself to protect his loved ones and never be trampled on again, so he learns an ancient technique to control magic and begins his training.

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  • Darken Ross


    a very enjoyable book. it's one of a kind. I recommend

    2024-01-25 00:57:13
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16 chapters
Punished by the Eternals
THE SOUNDS OF clashing swords could be heard from 10 miles out as the two countries fought savagely in a large plain land.The ground has been drenched in blood, and the bodies of dead men littered the whole war ground. The two countries were Welsh and Dumstrand. They were both fighting a war started by Dumstrand and although Dumstrand was the faulty party, they were the ones winning. More and more Welsh soldiers dropped to the floor dead; this was mainly because of one particular Dumstrand soldier.This soldier did not wear any helmet; his brown-golden hair was flying in the wind. He wielded two broad swords in each hand, cutting down the Welsh soldiers savagely. He seemed to enjoy the blood flow and feeling of killing because a huge smile was plastered on his face. Blood was splattered on his face and neck, but it was not his blood. On careful inspection, it would he noticed that there was no injury or cut on this soldier's body. Even the arrows that sailed and blindly struck his
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Punishment as a Mortal
IT HAS BEEN OVER 20 years now since Kamizoel was born as a mortal earthling and his life has been riddled with unfortunate disasters. He was dumped as an orphan in front of a foster home and grew up without knowing either his human mother or father. The memories of his past life came to him on his 9th birthday. He was out in the field, raking the dead leaves in the yard, which was his duty for the week alongside 3 other foster children when he felt a searing pain flash in his head. He fell to the floor, groaning but his companions paid him no mind. They all disliked him and watched him writhe in pain for over 15 minutes. Then the pain passed and left with him the scarring memory of his past life. About how he was an Eternal warrior, and the punishment in the void, and even worse, the punishment on earth, and lastly, his hate for humans. His contempt grew towards every human around him, but sadly, he could not do anything because Tanis had put him in a human body that was smaller a
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A solemn oath
KAMIZOEL WAS NOT meant to die. That was not Tanis's plan for him. But nothing could save him as he fell over 200m down and crashed into hard sharp boulders. He closed his eyes in death. At that same moment and coincidentally in a faraway galaxy of the universe. A supernova was happening. A supernova is the death of a white giant star. It emits so much energy that it can disrupt the normal flow of life on a cosmic scale. It is the energy of the supernova that transported Tanis's soul away from Earth and through worlds, into a world called ANSALON. KAMIZOEL STIRRED SLIGHTLY and opened his eyes. He could not detect different shapes and colors, he felt so dizzy. He tried to stand up but his hands and legs felt very heavy. Have I been reborn as another human on Earth? He thought to himself. "Then that would mean Tanis has a wicked sense of humor." His vision cleared and he could see he was in a large ditch. He tried to sand again but could not even control his feet. After close to 5 mi
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The banquet
ANAKIN WALKED INTO his room and closed the door. He felt angry and cheated upon by fate. Why would some children have this thing called Life while others would not? He paced the length of his room, agitated. But what exactly was Life? He asked himself. He was still trying to get more familiar with this new world that he found himself in. He looked healthy. He felt healthy, and he was alive, but still, he had been told that he had almost no life. He looked at his hands carefully and willed with all his might, then he snapped his fingers, just as he had seen Daryth do a few minutes ago. He was half expecting that some miracle would occur and a flame would pop on his finger. But there was nothing. Nothing happened. He sighed and walked out of his room. He was headed to the royal library where he could read everything he wanted about Life in Ansalon. The library was a tall room with a very high ceiling. There were people in thick hooded robes walking around. These were a sector of th
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Future of the Continent
ANAKIN'S MIND WAS disturbed. Lord Bard's comment had hurt his pride, this was the pride of Kamizoel. The real Anakin would not have minded because he had gotten used to all the insults. Anakin turned to look at Arya. He disliked her father and tried to dislike her too, but he could not. She reminded him of the angelic nature of the female gods in Ethereal. Daryth was making an effort to catch her attention, he was snapping fiery fingers and shooting the flames up in the air. No other kid of his age in all of the capital could wield life as powerfully as Daryth could, and he made sure to let Arya know that. Anakin scoffed and turned to look at Commander Arlen. "I'm going to go to my room. Walking like this makes me weak." He said. Daryth scoffed and said, "You should see my training field. Taking a night stroll like this is nothing, especially not with the life pumping through my veins." Anakin opened his mouth to reply, but he saw Arya looking at him. So he simply turned and walke
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"HAVE YOU READ the story of the Zherof the grand mage?" Almin asked. Anakin shook his head. "I have never heard of him." "Yes, that is because his name is forbidden. He has been erased from every history scrolls. Nobody should know about him." Almin said, stroking his long white beard. "Who was he?" Anakin asked. "He was just a peasant, born on the outskirts of the capital, almost in the Fey kingdom," Almin said. His voice took a dreamy tone as he recounted the story. "But one thing was peculiar about this peasant boy, though." Anakin looked on, intrigued. "The boy was born with almost no life," Almin continued. "Not so different from you, my prince." Anakin nodded at him to continue, so he did. "It was later discovered that Zherof, could yield life, but in a dark and forbidden way. He was taking life from the air and other things around him and controlling it." "It was forbidden?" Anakin asked. "Why?" "Because that is not how things should be done," almin replied. "So what
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PAN SAMA shrieked in despair. "You just let the dragon go… just like that." He put his hands to his head. "And you didn't even pay me enough for it." Anakin just stood, looking at the open doorway that the dragon had flown through. Ser Arlen came to stand behind Anakin and say, "Don't think about it much, my prince. Dragons choose who can ride or tame them." Anakin nodded. "We should go now," he replied. Arlen nodded and turned to Pan Sama. "Where are the dogs?" Pan Sama reluctantly pointed at some cages. "You did not pay me enough," He grumbled but was ignored. Commander Arlen gestured with his head to his men and they went to uncaring the cages. The dogs were well-behaved and on leashes already, so they were easy to control, and they were huge dogs. Almost the size of Grey wolves. These were dire-hounds. It was a species of dog. They were very rare and expensive to take care of, so they were mostly found in royal care. No one knew where Pan Sama found and raised the puppies but
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Known Missing!
ANAKIN WOKE UP to the sound of a loud horn blowing from the palace grounds, and a loud voice called; "The king returns!" He stood up and rubbed his eyes. He did not know when he had fallen asleep, the last thing he remembered was trying to think of a plan on how to get a tutor. He hurried to the window and looked out, the library was situated on another part of the palace, but it was a tower and the view stretched far, so Anakin could see his father and his men returning. He quickly closed the books and left as they floated back to their shelf spaces. He then hurried down the stairs and came out to the palace grounds just as the portcullis was being raised and the horses came marching through. He stood near a pillar and watched them approach, and then he noted that behind the men, was a short, stocky, ugly looking creature bound by its arms and dragged along. "What is that?" He asked the guard closest to him. "That is an orc, young prince," the guard said. Anakin stepped forward.
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"YOUR HIGHNESS," FLETCHER bowed deeply. He was a young elf with green skin and pointy ears. Lord Hederick nodded in acknowledgment. "I need you to send some ravens to the north…" Fletcher reached into the bag slung across his sunken chest and brought out a scroll which he placed on a small table. Then he dipped his quill into a bottle of ink and poised it on the scroll. "Tell the Lords of the North that they should be prepared…" The king said and paused. Fletcher stood overlooking the scroll as the quill scribbled what the king was saying. It was an enchanted quill that could relay and write exactly what was being said, Fletcher only had to read through and wet the quill when it got dry. "Tell them that there is a great disturbance," Lord Hederick said. "And word from the grand druid says that it would start from the North." He paused again. Only the sound of the quill could be heard until Fletcher cleared his throat and said, "Um, my lord… may I speak?" Lord Hederick nodded and
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AS THEY RAN, Anakin noticed the way the man used Life. He used it in a way he had never seen before. Sometimes, it was like the man used life from the surroundings and some other times, it was like he generated life from his body. It amazed Anakin. Suddenly, the man stopped and turned to face an oncoming Anakin. Anakin skidded to a stop a few feet away from the man, he bent over to catch his breath. "Your use of Life is impressive for a kid," the man said in a low voice. "Wha–what?" Anakin was still bent over. The man walked closer. "The way you used Life…" He muttered, going around Anakin. "I was expecting you to stop running minutes ago. But somehow, you kept up with me and ran along for over 20 minutes." "What?" Anakin stood up and looked around. They were no longer in the capital, instead tall trees and bushes were around. "Where are we?" He asked. The man scoffed. "You were not paying attention to where you were running? You lack positional awareness." Anakin turned in cir
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