The rest of the week and the week after passed in what seemed to be a blur. And soon the day of the trial came. The courtroom was buzzing with a nervous energy as everyone took their seats and waited for the proceedings to begin. Cage didn't feel a thing by the way, and he was sitting beside his lawyer who was going through some papers. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts by the way, because he knew that this was going to further damage heir relationship. He wondered how they would ever ever when they would be together ever again. It would be very weird and even if he won, she might never accept the fact that he wasn't the one who had done it. He knew she could keep thinking that he was responsible for it, so winning the case wasn't going to solve the whole problem. He had still had to convince her, outside that, that he wasn't cheating on her or anything like that. He was heavily conflicted that there was nothing else he could do to solve it other than to wait to see how things woul
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