138. Persuade

"What does he want from me?" This time, Yvonne asked Victor, giving him her full attention. The hum of the machines in the laundry room where they conversed served as the background noise.

Victor lit his cigarette before answering Yvonne's question. He sat near the exhaust, the cigarette smoke quickly disappearing into it. He didn't want to suffocate Yvonne with his smoke, but he needed nicotine to relax his mind.

"He wants you to return to work as his research head," Victor replied shortly.

Yvonne scoffed at Glenn's request. "Does he think I would agree to that? After what happened between us? He seems crazy. Besides, there's nothing left to make me want to leave here. Dad is gone, and I want to take care of Mom here," Yvonne rejected immediately, sounding convincing.

"Does your mom really need your care?" Victor teased.

Yolanda's health was gradually improving, and her transformation was noticeable every day. Those who didn't know her wouldn't guess that she had been so "ill" for ye
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