139. Confidential

Glenn stepped out of his car at the front lobby of Smith Corp when he noticed the receptionist's panicked expression as she saw him. She immediately discreetly typed a message on her phone.

The awkward expressions on the faces of several employees who glanced at him did not escape his observation; some even turned around when they were about to cross paths with Glenn.

Glenn's intuition told him that something was amiss. He wasn't supposed to be at the office today because he was scheduled to fly abroad to meet a major distributor who would help him market his products to several specific countries.

He quickened his pace, intending to catch whatever was going on behind him before they could escape.

Several names swirled in his mind, 'How dare they plot against me behind my back,' Glenn thought.

His intuition told him not to go to his office but to the meeting room located directly below it. So there he went.

The glass-windowed meeting room was located right in front of the elevator, so
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