An angry and frustrated Lola had become deeply sad as she was now sitting by the bus stop, waiting for the next public transport to show up. She couldn’t get what happened out of her mind. She had slapped the very client she was supposed to coerce into signing that contract deal. She regretted her action, berating herself as she told herself that she could have done better. She wished she had been more patient with the client.

She was sure that she would get into trouble once she reported what had happened with the client to her superior. She sighed in further regret. Edmund had been berating her endlessly at the office, constantly telling her coworkers that she was ineffective. With what had now happened, Edmund will use this as proof of her ineffectiveness.

“Miss! Miss Lola! Please, hold up!”

Lola jerked up at the sound and she turned her head to find the client running toward her. As soon as he stopped, he was wheezing as he caught his breath. It was clear that this man had been ru
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