“I was doubtful so far, but now that I've seen women flocking to him, I’m sure of it,” Dorothy was talking to her husband, Nolan. “She married him for his looks. And look what he’s doing, chatting with them nonstop. The dogs in our house are better than him. They wouldn’t talk with strangers. Instead, they shout at them and protect us from harm. But what’s this guy doing? It looks like he can’t wait to get all their numbers! Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Nolan was slowly drinking wine. “Ah, yeah, you’re right.” Right now, he couldn’t care less if Rebecca married a millionaire or a mutton-chopping man because the wine was really delicious, and so he was drowning himself in it.

After seeing that Nolan was busy drinking, Dorothy went to her daughter who was standing not far from where Benjamin was talking with the ladies. “What are they laughing so much for?”

“He’s probably cracking some stupid double-meaning jokes,” Elizabeth said and then realized who she was talking to. “M-Mom?!”

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