On their return journey from the castle to the private jet, the Sterling family did not get to see the wolves again, but they were able to see other beautiful animals.

Veronica and everyone took their time to capture some of the animals. Some deer were very big and were even taller than the cars, so they couldn’t help but be left in wonder.

“Are you not going to take any pictures?” Benjamin asked Rebecca.

“What would I do with the animal pictures?”

“They can be used for inspiration for your designs later on,” he said.

“I can just look for them online whenever I want,” she replied.

The Hellmann family on the other hand realized what had happened to Arthur, but they didn’t immediately know who did this to him as Arthur was still paralyzed to the point he couldn’t even speak.

They checked the cameras and understood that it was Veronica Sterling and their bodyguard.

“How did they manage to put my brother in such a sorry state?” the bride wondered in rage. “I can’t let them get away like t
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